More Goats and Beauty

 We went to a community meeting to learn more about the Good Shepherds Goat Service. Yup, we wore masks. These signs explained the benefits of utilizing the herd instead of weed whacking the hillside for Fire abatement.

This is Bear, the guard dog. 

He guards the herd and alerts the Shepherds who are in an RV near the herd. 

There are 100 goats in the herd. There are very young goats and a variety of breeds in the herd. The herd was very happily eating the alfalfa near the sidewalk. The mama goats got a little pushy about getting their fair share. 

The Shepherds have a family farm in the county where the herds lives when not on the job. Two young couples share the caretaking duties. They have chosen this lifestyle because they are all aspiring musicians and artists who need a flexible job for their chosen lifestyle. The car has a surfboard on top and drums inside. Watching the goad herds has been great fun. They have alienated a lot of pandemic boredom for us. Just like little kids, we like new and different things to entertain ourselves. 
One of our neighbors is in the entertainment industry. Recently, he had a large gathering at his home. One fellow arrived in this Van painted like The Mystery Machine from the old Scooby Doo Cartoon show. The gentleman is giving candy to two neighbor girls. 

Sadly, 2 people came down with Covid after attending this party. Another reminder not to give into impulsive choices just yet. 

We go walking at sunset each evening. Provides a nice dessert eye candy for Wild Child. The more I take care of my inner characters the happier they become. Life and the journey works better without their acting out or becoming totally rebellious. 


  1. Love the whole concept of the grazing to reduce fire hazard. And your wild child's photographic eye never disappoints!

  2. I love the herding and grazing concept, it makes so much sense and as you said - very entertaining too. Great Scooby van too.

  3. Neat concept to use the sheep to keep things manageable and control fire risk.

  4. I enjoy your goat reports 😁❤️


    1. We could use the goats around here. I just paid big $$$ for two men to come and scrape the 3 acres that I could get mowed this summer.

  5. It's another goat rodeo! Goats are cool and yes a good tool for fire management. Thanks for sharing!


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